at trumeta, our goal is to make self-care easy for the 1.8 billion millennials around the world. fueling your body and mind with healthy, organic superfoods used to be a hassle. we’ve solved that problem once and for all.
industry-leading commissions
account management support

joining takes less than 2 minutes! begin by completing the form provided below.

we’ll provide you with a dedicated affiliate link and marketing materials.

promote trumeta and enjoy generous commission rates up to $100 on new sales
apply now
become trumeta affiliate and help people to find an easier way to improve their selfcare and wellbeing
How do I sign up?
To sign up for our program simply fill out the application form. We will review your application and if accepted, you will receive an e-mail notification with your login information.
Is there any cost to become an affiliate?
No, it's a free program.
How will sales be tracked?
We keep track of sales through unique affiliate links. When a potential customer clicks on the URL, a cookie is dropped. That’s how we see any affiliate sales that result from a specific visit. You can also track your performance in real-time in your affiliate panel.
How do I check my statistics to see how I am doing?
After you have been accepted into the program, you will be able to log in to your Affiliate account and see your sales and commission results.
How will I be paid?
Payments are issued weekly or monthly for commissions earned to all affiliate partners.
if you have any questions regarding the setup, our process, or anything else, feel free to drop us a line at affiliates@trumeta.com. we’d love to hear from you!